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Komik Islami Tentang Sholeh

"Sesungguhnya Kami telah menciptakan manusia dalam bentuk yang sebaik-baiknya." (Qs. At-Tin [95]: 4) Jangan sepelekan bercermin! Dengan cermin, orang yang hatinya berpenyakit akan terlena dengan paras, takjub dengan rupa, tanpa ingat untuk bersyukur pada yang telah mencipta. Dengan cermin, orang yang kurang bersyukur akan mengeluhkan titik noda dan jerawat kecil. Dia lupa dengan nikmat sehatnya permukaan kulit yang lainnya, dan hanya berfokus pada satu kecil noda.  Maka seutas  doa singkat itu mudah mudahan dapat menarik kita dari kebanggaan melambung, atau dari ketidak syukuran diri atas nikmat sebaik-baik ciptaan Dia Yang Maha Mencipta. Ada hikmah dari indahnya paras, karena di balik keindahan itu ada pula ujian untuk bersyukur atau kufur. Pun, di balik noda titik jerawat atau sedikit cacat itu ada hikmah pula, bahwa Allah telah menciptakan kita dengan sebaik-baik penciptaan. Maka maukah kita bersyukur? Komik Islami Lainnnya

Tips for Handling Married Couples Finances

If you don’t think that money can be a stumbling block on the quest for true love, maybe you just haven’t watched enough romantic comedies. From the 1930s to the present, rom-coms are chock full of marrying for money (or breaking up based on the lack of it), lavish expenditures, bankruptcies, rich fathers, maxed out credit cards and — lately — student loans and post-Recession economic woes. Just as in the movies, it doesn’t seem to matter whether the stress in your relationship comes from having too much money or not having enough. In fact, according to a 2015 survey by SunTrust bank, nearly half of couples — regardless of income — reported that their spending habits were different from their partner’s. That discrepancy may understandably cause relationship stress. Over a third of survey respondents claimed that money was at the root of their problems. That gives financial advisors a front-row seat on couples’ money drama: from clashing expectations and different values to circumstance

The Biggest Oil Producers in Asia

Asia accounted for more than 9.2% of the world's oil production in 2014. The region was led by China and India, the world's fourth and 20th biggest oil-producing nations, respectively. In recent years, Asia's share of world oil production has been on a slow but regular decline. This is primarily a consequence of flat regional oil production during a period of rising overall global output. In the five years from 2010 to 2014, Asian oil output rose slightly from about 8.5 million barrels per day in 2010 to just over 8.6 million barrels per day in 2014. During the same period, world oil production grew more than 5%, from about 88.1 million barrels per day to about 93.1 million barrels per day. While a number of countries in the region have discovered large new reserves, others face declining production from aging oil fields. Consequently, analysts expect recent production trends to continue for the region as a whole. 1. China China is the biggest oil producer in the region by

The Biggest Oil Producers in Africa

The African continent is home to five of the top 30 oil-producing countries in the world. It accounted for more than 8.7 million barrels per day in 2014, which is about 9.4% of world output for the year. This level of production is down somewhat from the heights of 2005 to 2010 when African production topped 10 million barrels per day, including a high of nearly 10.7 million barrels per day in 2010. As of 2015, declines are due mostly to political and civil instability and violence in many of Africa's biggest oil-producing countries. 1. Nigeria Nigeria produced more than 2.4 million barrels of oil per day in 2014 to rank as the 13th-largest oil producer in the world. The country has produced between 2.1 million and about 2.6 million barrels per day for the last 18 years. Fluctuations in annual oil production, especially since 2005, can be attributed largely to security problems connected to violent militant groups in the country. While Nigeria is home to the second-largest proven o

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